Austin climbs volcanic rocks at Skinner's Butte

A Springfield man shows Austin a crayfish (crawdad)
Austin mades rope at the Waldorf School May Faire

AUSTIN'S HOME PAGE | HOMESCHOOL WEEK 2: Austin goes to the museum | May 1: gymnastics, forest service, river aquatic life | May 2: Rock Climbing | Waldorf Faire | May 5-6: baby ducks and crawdads | E is for elk! Visit to Cabelas, Chuck E. Cheese and Dr. Green. May 8 | Live Cheetahs at the art museum May 18 | The package | Happy Mother's Day! Gymnastics, kitten at saturday market Austin wins a prize at the Asian Kite Festival, May 19th!

Home School Blog [Invention, week 1] [Museum, week 2]

Austin Horner's
Home School Adventures

Kindergarten. Age 5
Emphasizing Invention, Robotics, Earth and Space Sciences

We pursue active, hands-on creativity, and adventures. Academics work in naturally as we record our memories in a journal. Austin is working on mastering numbers to 100. We are focusing on dates - current, birthdate, and holidays. We toss a ball back and forth as we recite the months of the year. Extra high for birthday months! Each journal page is dated. We are using a time machine metaphor to explore the importance of numbers. We've got a transportation vehicle toy for each era - a covered wagon for 1850, a classic car for 1950, and a spaceship for 2050! We also are exploring temperature. Outside temp each morning, fish tank temperature, etc.

With a college in kindergarten vision, we tackle advanced subjects like electronics and geology. It's possible for home schools to participate in research projects in astronomy (find comets or gravity lenses), archaeology (find Bronze age sites), biology, and consumer sciences (which battery lasts longest?). Our little homeschool may have discovered a volcanic crater. We do complementary activities like climbing basalt columns, making model volcanoes, and exploring raised topography maps.

Extending the observation that children's hands are smart, able to use sign language before speech develops, Austin at age 5 is learning to type as a reinforcing complement to spelling and penmanship practice.

An african proverb says " it takes a village to raise a child." Austin gets plenty of learning opportunity outside the home observing neighbors who garden or weld and community friends who rock climb. He interacts with other kids on the playground and gymnastics class.

Teacher / Mom: Celeste Horner

Celeste and Austin Horner at Island Park, Springfield, OR on Cinco de Mayo, 2013. Click to enlarge


Austin's Alphabet Blog

A is for astronaut, ant, and apple!

B is for boat, banana, and bell!

C is for car, crayon, and calendar!

Day 2: Thursday, April 18, 2013

Austin reads Who says moo?

mom/teacher: celeste.horner | (coming soon)